Monday, April 03, 2006

[SPAM] update on RE:verse

please note that i've bumped up the official start for the RE:verse experiment to today, april 3rd. thanks to everyone who has contributed so far and please keep coming back!

i know that writing poetry is not everyone's biological teacup, but i do hope you will tell your friends about RE:verse. i'd love to have as many people as possible participating. i still also welcome donations of web hosting or any other technical assistance that you think will improve the process.

please be sure to start indicating to whom you'd like me to contribute $1 in case i select your poem for forwarding.

lastly, i started RE:verse because i found my spam so poetic to begin with, but i've also really enjoyed working with the original spam to find the different paths to meaning within them. i've even more so enjoyed seeing what others find in the same spew of words. if you've been reading but haven't posted a poem yet, i encourage you to try it out a few times. i promise it will be more fun than a slipshod catholic christmas.


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