Sunday, April 23, 2006

[SPAM] update on RE:verse

between blogger problems and my email server where the dada comes, we've been having some technological difficulties the past few days. clearly the machines are up to something. please know that i'll rectify the problem just as soon as i can and so i do hope you'll keep stopping back through the day.

also given my inability to get to my spam warehouse yesterday, i resorted to culling a faux spam. i constructed it of 1) real spam lines in their quoted entirety from a village voice article on these types of spams, 2) a sort of citation referencing the village voice, and 3) another real piece of spam i received which incidentally quotes the novel master and margarita . in addition to receiving dada spams i also receive spams quoting literature (with a bit of gobbedlygook thrown in). lately, they're mainly all excerpting master and margarita, although i've gotten bits of one flew over the cuckoo's nest and misery as well. it's great, i've always wanted to read more novels in serialized form. i won't generally use these spams on RE:verse because ... well it would just be a different species.

which leads me to telling/asking: yes, please do send me interesting spams! but please send me the whole untouched spam via email and if i feel inclined i will post it here. then you should come back and visit often to have the chance to make a poem out of the spam you shared. and this way i have a backup for the days when machines are trying to thwart us.


Blogger WendyBuckWild said...

The woman Afranius approaches in Chapter 26 and speaks to in Greek. Her meeting with Iuda on the street resembles that between the Master and Margarita and also that between Faust and Gretchen. Like Margarita, Niza also slips out when her husband does not notice to meet another man. She also has a servant woman.

11:20 PM  

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