Thursday, August 03, 2006

Subject: mailman dominate

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Subject: mailman dominate

He ate nothing, but the indigestion got no better. You long for somethingto startle you, something to shoot at.
Five minutes of firing andreloading and he was quite demented.
Some had fallenover, revealing huddled bodies inside.
They waited for fiveminutes and gave the camp a last volley, then came out from thebush. He fell to sleep at once, and dreamt that he was back in thehomestead eating breakfast. It will sink onme and crush me to death, he muttered.
He saw it staring at him onall sides, half sightless, half mocking.
McFarlane touched his forehead, turned,and went away to his sheep.
Cabell gripped thetrigger and stiffened himself for the pain in his cheek as the gunbucked.
At the homestead they were picturing him at leasta hundred miles farther on. In thetwilight between the grey timber nothing moved.
He was speculating on thisthought when a commotion on the island attracted his attention.
But I could tell yesomethin I seen wi her that wouldna edify ye muckle.
After two hundred miles or so they would find a grog shanty.
I was only thinking I might put you in the way of the water.
He went up a few yards andthe cloth parted, letting him down heavily. For some days he had had no damper,nothing, in fact, but what he shot at the waterholes. He picked up aspear and tried to threaten Tom off with it, but Tom was too fargone. The yellow whiskers were spongy with blood.
Heate a few berries and some mushrooms to take the edge off hishunger. In half a minutehe was wet through and the expanse of downland was blotted out. But fewer and fewer spears came over, andthe fourth time they let up there was none. Then he bandagedhis hands, but they got under his trouser-legs and they bit throughhis shirt.
Something ripped through the leaves just overhead and struck thetrunk of a tree behind.
He did notlook for the shanty any longer. For a few hours every day therewould be glimpses of sunshine which filled the air with steam.
He skinned it and threw it into the pot, butcould not eat it.

a poem a dada keeps the nebula away


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was only thinking I might put you in the way of the water

(behind her forehead was a hunger as raw as his whiskers.)
a few hours half sightless,

(It will sink on me. The grey twilight
will crush me.)
and berries for breakfast.

Northalsted Area Merchants Association. That should count, right?

10:44 PM  

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