Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Subject: stroll shrill

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Subject: stroll shrill

back, and stay alert."
depend on your taste for satire and lampoon. It is, in nature, reminiscent
at the canisters, and there was nothing there either.
considered what is now called the Pilman Radiant?"

in the neighborhood was hit, that's why we call it the Plague Quarter. Some
Fletcher Lynd Seagull was still quite young, but already he knew that
"I spit on your humanity. How much is there?"
irresponsibility does not pay. Life is the unknown and the unknowable,

cellars. just a quick glance gives you the impression that it's a
It happened just a week later. Fletcher was demonstrating the
We picked up the empty and headed for the door, walking side- ways. It
It wasn't long before Jonathan Gull was off by himself again, far out

the world and besides he couldn't possibly have enough dough for that. Where
the human condition, it touches also on almost every single quality most
"Oh, Fletch, come on. Think. If you are talking to me now, then

a poem a dada keeps the nebula away


Blogger WendyBuckWild said...

the human condition

our nature in long canisters
side-by-side in cellars

a taste for the one
far off in the back
considered dough
spit, hit, touches, impressions

headed for the cellar door, empty
i picked again, empty
how much is there?
i picked again
and there was nothing there either.

9:55 AM  

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